Top 10 Android Libraries — May 2017

The best 10 Android libraries to try out this month.

Hey TMH fellow Android enthusiasts, you already know the drill. New month — new Android libraries! So far we’ve had some pretty cool ones, and we are glad to see people are actually trying them out. Your feedback is what inspires us to continue doing this! Once again, we’ve checked out lots and lots of nice Android libraries and tried to pick the best.

As a result, this month’s favorites:


In most of all Android application we need to make dynamic Android view as per requirement that’s why i come with json2view library which is a simple library that can convert a compatible JSON file to an Android view so you can load dynamically the view in your Android app without the need to update the APK.

This removes the hassle of updating, re-compiling and uploading the APK to Google Play every-time you want to make small or big changes in the UI.

Make dynamic Android View using json2view library


Interesting library which shows the list of selectable contacts, in quite a fancy way. It also contains ChipView and EditText. Among other options, it’s possible to add avatar icon, make view deletable, change background colour, or enable/disable touching a chip which open a full detailed view.

Android MaterialChipsInput


Sometime we need user profile section in Android app and we also want to give profile image crop features. So i represent you a cool library named InstaCropper is a View for cropping images that is similar to Instagram’s crop which allows a range of aspect ratios instead of a solid ratio. Also an Activity for cropping is included.

InstaCropper : Android Image Cropper Library

Spruce Animations

’cause we just love our animations, don’t we? 🙂 When designers set up complex multi-view animations, this is the lib to call out for help. Spruce provides 8 SortFunction (change the order in which views animate) implementations, but there is a possibility to make more. For example:

Animator spruceAnimator = new Spruce
        .sortWith(new LinearSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L, 
        /*reversed=*/false, LinearSort.Direction.TOP_TO_BOTTOM))
        (parentViewGroup, /*duration=*/800)).start();

Try all sorts of functions to find the one that is perfect for you!

Android Spruce Animation Library

Parallax ViewPager

The effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions, e.g. through the viewfinder and the lens of a camera. And in my opinion if you want this effect in your Android layout thats why this Parallax ViewPager Android Library by which you can easily implement this effect in your Android project.

Add Parallax ViewPager Android Library


If you need to show one item from the list in a center of the screen, while keeping other items partially or fully visible, try DiscreteScrollView. Current item can be changed using swipes. To set up this:

  • add DiscreteScrollView to your layout using xml or code
  • create your implementation of RecyclerView.Adapter
  • set the adapter

DiscreteScrollView Library in Android

Bubble picker

In early days iOS and Android had their own unique feel, but recently they have been growing closer together in the way applications are designed and interactions happen. For designers it means that often we can adjust popular features that were once associated with one platform to apps designed for another one. So we decided to introduced the component with the bubble based interface for Android, drawing our inspiration from selection bubbles in Apple music.

Bubble picker Android Library


Hamburger icon may sometimes come as boring, but with cool icons around it and a circular layout, it can get way more elegant. Create a simple menu on the screen using just a few icons and enjoy the animations!

Android CircleMenu


Do you need to show a progress of some process? StateProgressBar does exactly that, but with the spice of a cool animation. In this view, you can add max state number, background colours of state and state number, state description colour, add/remove animation, and so on.

Android StateProgressBar

Android Photofilter

Android Photofilter library can make your work more easy. This is a simple easy to use library that lets you edit pictures on the fly with easy. Photo filter lets you apply a large number of filters all while maintaining maximum image quality. Supports Android 2.3 and higher.

Android Photofilter Library : Easy way to editing image


Finally my list of android libraries is complete. If you like the above all libraries mentioned this month, or have some other interesting android libraries to recommend, just write them down in comments. And don’t forget to click the like button. 🙂

By Tell Me How

It is a technology blog and admin has excellent experience in programming from 5+ year. You can contact us at

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