Interesting library which shows the list of selectable contacts, in quite a fancy way. It also contains Android ChipView and EditText. Among other options, it’s possible to add avatar icon, make view deletable, change background colour, or enable/disable touching a chip which open a full detailed view.

Implementation of Material Design Chips component for Android. The library provides two views : ChipsInput and ChipView.
Materialize Android ChipView Demo, Android ChipView, Android ChipView Demo, Materialize Android ChipView, ChipView Example
How to Add Android MaterialChipsInput

This view implements the Material Design Contact chips component.

It is composed of a collection of chips (ChipView) and an input (EditText). Touching a chip open a full detailed view (if non disable). The GIF above describes the behavior of the ChipsInput view.

But everything is configurable (optional avatar icon, optional full detailed view, …) so you can use the ChipsInput view for non contact chips.


Download sample-v1.0.4.apk


To use this library your minSdkVersion must be >= 15.

In your project level build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

In your app level build.gradle :

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.pchmn:MaterialChipsInput:1.0.4'

Basic Usage


Use the ChipsInput view in your layout with default options :

        app:hint="Enter a name" />

You can also customize it (see all attributes) :

        app:hint="Enter a name"
        app:filterable_list_textColor="@color/customColor" />


You can pass a List<? extends ChipInterface> object, which represents your suggestions, to the ChipsInput view, so it will work as a MultiAutoCompleteTextView :

1. Create a class that implements ChipInterface (or use directly the Chip class included in the library) :
public class ContactChip implements ChipInterface {
2. Then in your activity, or anything else, build your suggestion list of ContactChip (or Chip) and pass it to the ChipsInput view :
ChipsInput chipsInput = (ChipsInput) findViewById(;

// build the ContactChip list
List<ContactChip> contactList = new ArrayList<>();
contactList.add(new ContactChip()); 

// pass the ContactChip list

Get the selected list

When you want you can get the current list of chips selected by the user :

List<ContactChip> contactsSelected = (List<ContactChip>) chipsInput.getSelectedChipList();

Advanced Usage


The ChipsInput view provides a listener to interact with the input :

chipsInput.addChipsListener(new ChipsInput.ChipsListener() {
            public void onChipAdded(ChipInterface chip, int newSize) {
                // chip added
                // newSize is the size of the updated selected chip list

            public void onChipRemoved(ChipInterface chip, int newSize) {
                // chip removed
                // newSize is the size of the updated selected chip list

            public void onTextChanged(CharSequence text) {
                // text changed

Add and remove chips manually

You don’t have to pass a List<? extends ChipInterface> to the ChipsInput view and you can do the trick manually. Thanks to the ChipsListener you can be notified when the user is typing and do your own work.


ChipsInput chipsInput = (ChipsInput) findViewById(;


Add a chip

There are multiple implementations :

chipsInput.addChip(ChipInterface chip);
// or
chipsInput.addChip(Object id, Drawable icon, String label, String info);
// or
chipsInput.addChip(Drawable icon, String label, String info);
// or
chipsInput.addChip(Object id, Uri iconUri, String label, String info);
// or
chipsInput.addChip(Uri iconUri, String label, String info);
// or
chipsInput.addChip(String label, String info);


Remove a chip

There are multiple implementations :

chipsInput.removeChip(ChipInterface chip);
// or
chipsInput.removeChipById(Object id);
// or
chipsInput.removeChipByLabel(String label);
// or
chipsInput.removeChipByInfo(String info);


After you added or removed a chip the ChipsListener will be triggered.

Get the selected list

When you want you can get the current list of chips selected by the user :

// get the list
List<ChipInterface> contactsSelected = chipsInput.getSelectedChipList();


ChipsInput attributes

app:hint string Hint of the input when there is no chip null
app:hintColor color Hint color android default
app:textColor color Text color when user types android default
app:maxRows int Max rows of chips 2
app:chip_labelColor color Label color of the chips android default
app:chip_hasAvatarIcon boolean Whether the chips have avatar icon or not true
app:chip_deletable boolean Whether the chips are deletable (delete icon) or not false
app:chip_deleteIconColor color Delete icon color of the chips white/black
app:chip_backgroundColor color Background color of the chips grey
app:showChipDetailed boolean Whether to show full detailed view or not when touching a chip true
app:chip_detailed_textColor color Full detailed view text color white/balck
app:chip_detailed_backgroundColor color Background color of the full detailed view colorAccent
app:chip_detailed_deleteIconColor color Delete icon color of the full detailed view white/black
app:filterable_list_backgroundColor color Background color of the filterable list of suggestions white
app:filterable_list_textColor color Text color of the filterable list of suggestions black



This view implements the chip component according to the Material Design guidelines with configurable options (background color, text color, …).

Android ChipView examples
Android ChipView examples


ChipView attributes

app:label string Label of the chip null
app:labelColor color Label color of the chip android default
app:hasAvatarIcon boolean Whether the chip has avatar icon or not false
app:avatarIcon drawable Avatar icon resource null
app:deletable boolean Whether the chip is deletable (delete icon) or not false
app:deleteIconColor color Delete icon color of the chip grey
app:backgroundColor color Background color of the chip grey




A sample app with some use cases of the library is available on this link

You can also download the sample APK  here


By Ponglang Petrung

Administrator and PJ at Kamibit Thailand, Android Developer at CodeGears Co., Ltd. and Android Developer, and iOS Application Developer at Appdever

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