What's new in Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6

Google released Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6 to the Canary and Dev Channels after Android Studio 2.3.

So lots of people ask me how to download and install the android studio 3.0 canary 6 on windows, its so much easy to download and install and enjoy the new taste of android studio 3.0 with Kotlin 😉

See this : Configure Android Studio with Kotlin

Lets follow the steps….

  1. Go to this link tools.android.com/download/studio/canary/latest
  2. Click developer.android.com/studio/preview/.
  3. Download
  4. Extract the folder
  5. Open the Android Studio x64
  6. now you done 🙂

If you still confuse dont worry…just see this video

This release fixes a variety of bugs, such as the following:


  • Fixed an issue that caused java.io.IOException to be thrown due to broken R.txt.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented you from updating the Kotlin IDE plugin. (issue #62697211)
  • Fixed an issue that caused captured memory allocations to not display when using the Memory Profiler.
  • Fixed an issue where you need to invoke Code > Convert Java to Kotlin twice before the IDE converts your code.

Known Issues

  • IDE is not showing gradle upgrade plugin version dialog after close and reopen older plugin version project
  • IDE error “Invalid file” while deleting kotlin or java class files
  • Kotlin configure yellow ribbon does not show up until the file reopens after converting
  • IDE fatal error “java.util.NoSuchElementException” while removing copy pasted code from kotlin
  • IDE fatal error “Project is not yet initialized” while cloning desugar project
  • Attaching to debugger fails while working the combination of c++,kotlin and instant app enabled
  • Instant Run currently does not work with Gradle build cache. To use Instant Run, make sure you disable the build cache in your build.properties file: org.gradle.caching=false

New Features in Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6

The latest version available is Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6 and this page provides a summary of all the new features and changes. All these features are available in the latest canary release, and might not be available in the beta release channel yet.

Core IDE changes

  • They upgraded the base IDE from IntelliJ 2016.2 to 2017.1.2, which adds a number of new features in 2016.3 and 2017.1 — including parameter hints, semantic highlighting, instant results in search, and much more.
  • Many new lint checks.
  • Instant Run debug issue 234401 should now be resolved. If a program is paused on breakpoint, app restarting is expected. But if the app is not paused on a breakpoint, it shouldn’t restart and hot swap should work when you only make a method implementation change.

Kotlin language

Android Studio 3.0 includes support for the Kotlin language. You can incorporate Kotlin into your project by converting a Java file to Kotlin (click Code > Convert Java File to Kotlin File) or by creating a new Kotlin-enabled project using the New Project wizard. Learn more about Kotlin and Android.

Support for Java 8 language features

Android Studio 3.0 introduces built-in support for Java 8 libraries and certain Java 8 language features. Jack is no longer required, and you should first disable Jack to use the improved Java 8 support built into the default toolchain.

You must checkAndroid Studio Shortcut key every developer should know

Instant Apps support

Android Studio 3.0 allows you to create Instant Apps in your project using two new module types: Instant App modules and Feature modules.

Instant Run : Features of Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6
Instant Run : Features of Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6

Android Studio 3.0 also includes a new refactoring Modularize action and the App Links Assistant to help you implement Instant Apps.

APK Debugger

The new APK Debugger in Android Studio 3.0 allows you to profile and debug APKs without having to build them from an Android Studio project, as long as they are debug-gable.

New Device File Explorer

The new Device File Explorer tool window allows you to seamlessly interact with your connected device’s filesystem.

Device Explorer : Features of Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6
Device Explorer : Features of Android Studio 3.0 Canary 6

You can click to view various files inside Android Studio and copy the files to your computer.

This feature replaces device file-system interactions previously accomplished through DDMS.

New templates for Android Things

Android Studio 3.0 includes a new set of templates in the New Project and New Module wizards, so you can start developing for Internet of Things devices with Android Things.

See this : Create Android Studio Live Templates for Writing Less Code

Layout Editor & Inspector improvements

The Layout Editor in Android Studio 3.0 contains a number of new feature enhancements, including the following:

  • Updated component tree with improved drag-and-drop view insertions
  • New error panel
  • New support for view Barriers and Groups
  • Enhanced Chain creation

The Layout Inspector in Android Studio 3.0 includes new enhancements to make it easier to debug issues with your app layouts, including grouping properties into common categories and new search functionality in both the View Tree and the Properties panels. To open the Layout Inspector, click Tools > Android > Layout Inspector.

Google’s Maven repository

The Android Support Library Maven dependencies are now available outside of the Android SDK Manager in a new Maven repository. In combination with the command line sdkmanager tool and Gradle, this new distribution method simplifies Maven dependency management for those using continuous integration systems. To use the new Maven repository, add the URL to the repositories block of your build.gradle file as follows:

repositories {
  maven {
    url "https://maven.google.com"

Hope you like this article.

By Tell Me How

It is a technology blog and admin has excellent experience in programming from 5+ year. You can contact us at ceo.tellmehow@gmail.com

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