Having a slow response time may keep visitors away from your Word Press site. It could also reduce your site’s visibility, which might influence its future performance. A website with little traffic may appear as suspicious and untrustworthy. Your site could be doomed to obscurity!
There are a number of WordPress speed optimization solutions available that can be used to address slow loading times for your site. By improving this aspect of if your site, they boost your SEO ranking.
Too many comments
You will experience page lag if your content gets a large number of comments. Users may engage in discussion, which could increase the size of the page that is set to be loaded. You should break off your comments into different pages to reduce the amount of text that is displayed on your site.
To divide the comments, you should go to “discussions” under settings, and divide the comments into an appropriate number per page.
You didn’t clean the clutter
Your site will gain clutter over time if you do not hire out WP speed optimization services Clutter may involve unused media files, themes, and plugins. Themes and plugging may cause threats to the security of your site, as well as affect performance. You should remove any unused plugging and themes. This will reduce the amount of code that your site would need to load after every request was made by a client.
When picking themes, find a lightweight option that does not have any unnecessary features. You may also need to choose plugins that are limited to specific features, as opposed to comprehensive plugging that offers a variety of features. Plugging with more detailed features will load slower than specific plugging. However, some comprehensive plugins are great.
You can use plugging such as Media Cleaner to remove all the unused media available on your site. Any images, videos, and audio which are not used is discarded to improve efficiency.
Your site is not minimalist
Minimalism is the ideal choice in a field where less is more. Lighter pages take a shorter time to load, which means cluttered sites will be prone to loading slowly and losing potential visitors. You may consider using minimalist frameworks such as Genesis to help create a simple site design that will not take up too much time to load.
You’re still sharing hosting
Shared hosting offers a few perks that are great for new users. However, your site may be prone to poor SEO ranking as a result of a different site’s own challenges, within the same host address. Your site may also experience downtime as a result of increased traffic.
Dedicated hosting providers guarantee quick speeds regardless of levels of traffic. They have developed web hosting to ensure every request by a client is met, which will work to improve SEO as well.
You upload your images straight from your computer or mobile
Images are central to your website. They will attract and keep the attention of any visitor to your site. They can improve user experience and make your site more popular. However, images make up to 70% of the total size of the page. They can be bulky and may affect the loading speed. Images contain metadata, which increases the size of the consumer space.
In order to get the best of both sides, where you have images on your site and still maintain quick load times, you need to optimize your images for the web. You can do this through a number of compression tools which are available online.
There are also a number of plug-ins such as Smash and Short Pixel which can help reduce the size of your images without affecting their quality. For added benefits, you may also consider activating the Lazy load. This prevents any images outside the specific range of view of the user from loading. It helps cut down the page load times, making your site more appealing to users.
You’re still using PHP 5
PHP 7 is optimized for site speed and will improve your performance in leaps. It can respond to uncased hits almost three times quicker than on later versions of PHP5, with up to 50% improvements in the consumption of space.
While making the switch, you should keep in mind that PHP 7 is not backward compatible, which means that the upgrade is not reversible. It will mean switching from legacy systems permanently and could present a problem for some users. You could install plugging such as the PHP Compatibility Checker to help you determine whether your themes and plugging are compatible.
You have too many external scripts
External scripts offer a number of features that improve the site design and functionality. Commenting systems such as Discus and tools such as Google Analytics help administrators interact with the clients, as well as provide traffic data.
These scripts can also increase the size of the page, which will affect its overall load time. Having more external scripts will result in a bulky page, with reduced traffic as a result of its slower loading times.
Final thought
There are a few options not listed above. You may consider taking up a CDN to help reduce the load on single servers. You can also change the code to make it minimalist and avoid bloated and pointless features. Keeping the site optimized and streamlined is important in improving the user experience by reducing load time. It will help keep your visitors coming to your site over and over, due to the efficient display. If your content is of a relevant quality, you may end up attracting larger traffic and needing to optimize more often.
For WP speed optimization services and maintenance beyond these tips provided above, you may consider finding a service provider that will guarantee round-the-clock and quality services, which will protect your site from any potentially harmful lag or crash. By keeping up to date with these tips, you will maintain great rankings too!
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