TapTargetView Android library is an implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery. In my previous article i shared some animation android tutorial like :
- Bubble Tab Animation Library Android
- Add Android PagerSlidingTabStrip
- Two Panels Layout Animation Android Library
- and many more…
TapTargetView is distributed using jcenter.

repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile 'com.getkeepsafe.taptargetview:taptargetview:1.9.1' }
Simple usage
TapTargetView.showFor(this, // `this` is an Activity TapTarget.forView(findViewById(R.id.target), "This is a target", "We have the best targets, believe me") // All options below are optional .outerCircleColor(R.color.red) // Specify a color for the outer circle .outerCircleAlpha(0.96f) // Specify the alpha amount for the outer circle .targetCircleColor(R.color.white) // Specify a color for the target circle .titleTextSize(20) // Specify the size (in sp) of the title text .titleTextColor(R.color.white) // Specify the color of the title text .descriptionTextSize(10) // Specify the size (in sp) of the description text .descriptionTextColor(R.color.red) // Specify the color of the description text .textColor(R.color.blue) // Specify a color for both the title and description text .textTypeface(Typeface.SANS_SERIF) // Specify a typeface for the text .dimColor(R.color.black) // If set, will dim behind the view with 30% opacity of the given color .drawShadow(true) // Whether to draw a drop shadow or not .cancelable(false) // Whether tapping outside the outer circle dismisses the view .tintTarget(true) // Whether to tint the target view's color .transparentTarget(false) // Specify whether the target is transparent (displays the content underneath) .icon(Drawable) // Specify a custom drawable to draw as the target .targetRadius(60), // Specify the target radius (in dp) new TapTargetView.Listener() { // The listener can listen for regular clicks, long clicks or cancels @Override public void onTargetClick(TapTargetView view) { super.onTargetClick(view); // This call is optional doSomething(); } });
You may also choose to target your own custom Rect
with TapTarget.forBounds(Rect, ...)
Additionally, each color can be specified via a @ColorRes
or a @ColorInt
. Functions that have the suffix Int
take a @ColorInt
You can easily create a sequence of tap targets with TapTargetSequence
new TapTargetSequence(this) .targets( TapTarget.forView(findViewById(R.id.never), "Gonna"), TapTarget.forView(findViewById(R.id.give), "You", "Up") .dimColor(android.R.color.never) .outerCircleColor(R.color.gonna) .targetCircleColor(R.color.let) .textColor(android.R.color.you), TapTarget.forBounds(rickTarget, "Down", ":^)") .cancelable(false) .icon(rick)) .listener(new TapTargetSequence.Listener() { // This listener will tell us when interesting(tm) events happen in regards // to the sequence @Override public void onSequenceFinish() { // Yay } @Override public void onSequenceStep(TapTarget lastTarget) { // Perfom action for the current target } @Override public void onSequenceCanceled(TapTarget lastTarget) { // Boo } });
A sequence is started via a call to start()
on the TapTargetSequence
For more examples of usage, please look at the included sample app. Hope you like this post please comment in below.
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