Day by day technology and its uses are growing immensely. The technological world became the need of common man and considering this it is coming with latest technologies’ laptops & tablets. In this regard, web development became very crucial thing and you can observe the competition in the leading web design and development companies. The web developers, programmers and web designers are in huge demand and it is essential to know about programming and scripting languages.

Then the question strikes, which programming or scripting languages are good for a web developer’s career?

What are the best programming languages? Here is the answer, have a look:

As you know, for every business, it is essential to have a website. So the business can grow, outreach more users online and gain fame as well. The web development technology has been achieving growth factors since couple of years. Scripting languages are the most prominent factor of web development. According to experts, there must be several criteria to choose a programming language for web development. Here we are listing down the couple of scripting languages that can be used by the programmers most for professional web development services. Have a look:



Java has been considered as the most useful and prominent web development language. It ranks top in the web development industry. It is an object oriented and class based programming language in the web industry.

Java Script:

It is a scripting language that has been gaining popularity among the web developers. It is commonly employed for development purpose. It helps the user by managing web browser; allow the client side to communicate with user, helpful in editing the content on a document. Even the web developer can use JavaScript to add animations on the web pages, allow loading scripts, images and objects on web pages as well.

Java Script is mostly used by the programmers as it offers vast communication for your website and provides asynchronous communication too.


Python is a server side scripting language and its advanced features allows you to build mobile applications and web pages. It supports OOPs, functional and structured programming language. Flexibility in its usage and wide range of mobile applications allows the user to employ such language. It can run on several platforms including Linux and Windows based servers.


PHP is also a scripting language which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is open source, general purpose programming language commonly used by the web developers. It is an HTML embedded scripting language which is used to form dynamic & interactive web pages. It is easy and convenient to use that’s why employed by most of the web developers.


It is also a scripting language which is popularly used for website and mobile app development. Its main feature is, it balances functional and vital programming effectively.

Except this, in the range of scripting languages Perl, SQL, C, C++ etc. also plays crucial role in web development. These languages are most commonly preferred by the programmers for successful and effective web and mobile app development.

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