Students are portrayed on television as heavy drinking party animals. Is this true to life? It can be at times, but when it comes down to it, a lot of hard work and effort goes into obtaining a degree. So, whether you are studying to become a nurse or doing an anthropology degree, these tips ought to help you cope on the rocky road ahead.
Putting assignment due dates into a physical calendar (not just your mobile phone!) is a bit like therapy. It instantly makes you feel more organized and probably calmer to do this. Doing this allows you to see at a glance when your deadlines are. There is nothing worse than waking up to a text from a fellow student asking how you’re getting on with the essay on Churchill’s motivations after World War Two when you didn’t even realize that was due anytime soon.
Always keep your desk clear too. Ensuring you don’t have a cluttered work area will mean you won’t have the automatic excuse of having anywhere to work.
No one is saying not to go out and get wasted, but try to do that in moderation. If you do that five nights a week, your mind, body and bank balance will really begin to suffer. Find a balance between having fun with your new-found uni mates, studying and spending time on yourself; allowing time to relax, have downtime in front of the television and keeping in touch with your family and friends are all vitally important ways of looking after your own needs. Perhaps, you’re in a long term relationship. Making that work might be a priority for you, but also keep in mind your end goal of succeeding in obtaining a degree.
Eat (and drink) well
Some students choose catered accommodation. This option at least ensures that you have access to a reasonably balanced meal at least once a day. Grabbing your phone (if it’s not already in your hand!) and ordering a takeaway can be as simple as just pressing a button nowadays. And while it is an easy option, it’s also not the choice to make the day in day out as your health and wellbeing will really start to suffer as a result.
A healthy diet can help you to better focus on your studies. Ensuring you drink plenty of water (try adding a little fresh fruit if you’re not keen on it plain) can work wonders too.
Seeing your first student loan payment come in can be a magical feeling! Don’t get carried away though. It’s easy to expect it to last for ages, but a fiver here and there for lunch at uni soon adds up and you may find yourself in the red, which definitely is the complete opposite of magic. Try to plan ahead and make the food you can take in or set yourself a target of just one meal on campus per week.
If you have a book list, try to get them from the library first before searching online, for example in Facebook selling groups, to see if you can save money this way. Bear in mind that library loans are usually only for a limited period, so make sure you leave yourself sufficient time to read and make suitable notes from them before needing to return them.
Remember that your university will have support available if you feel unable to cope with any aspect of student life. Don’t let yourself drown; ask for help!
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