College time is fun time as the common though goes. But nothing in life is easy and even college goers have to face traumatic times during their studies. In fact there are some common challenges which each college goer has to go through come what may. Let us have a quick look at just some of them.

Managing your time

When in college you are always hard pressed for time. From meeting deadlines to attending all classes and completing their work it is just a race of time. Since school is restricted to a few subjects so much pressure in college actually saps out the new student. In such a situation it is better to take only as many courses which you feel you can do justice to. If you have an important work to submit you can contact buy Essay Company for the same.


Normally when you are studying it becomes difficult to meet all your costs properly. You have housing, transport, books and meals to take care of. In fact because of these rising costs many students wish to reconsider whether they should finish their degree course or not. While it is easy to lose heart you can always apply for easy student loans or do some freelancing jobs to keep the cash reserves full.


Especially for those who have just left their homes this is one reason which occasionally leads to the students morale dipping. Even in case of students who have been there for a year the craving to go to home can be difficult to beat. In that case you should always plan a trip to your home once a month at least. Apart from that you can always stay in touch with your family through emails, chat and other methods.

Stress and depression

Sometimes the exceeding pressure is difficult to handle for the students. Often that leads to resorting to addictions or excessive partying to handle the stress. However if things go out of control then kids may eventually go into depression. To avoid that seek professional help as soon as you feel that the situation is going out of hand. You can always contact your college counselor for assistance but do not let the problem grow to immense proportions and get out of hand.

Social acceptance

Many people are able to make good friends when in college but for those who are not so lucky this time becomes very painful. They strive to get accepted in the crowd but fail miserably leading to more heartache. Instead spend some time start discovering your innate qualities. Go to a park or visit a coffee shop where you can just take some time for yourself. Divide your time between studies and these activities and slowly you would no longer be worried about getting friendly with others.

While these are just some challenges that a student faces in college it is crucial that you do not get bogged down by the same. Whenever in trouble do make sure to confide in your friend or teacher or parent as only then you can hope to find a solution. Mostly if you are careful the problem can be tackled and a solution found even in your limited means.


By Diksha Yadav

Diksha Yadav is software developer with 4+ year experience in .NET and C#. She is senior developer and team leader in MNC and part-time blogger. She has enjoyed numerous assignments with the Company including automotive testing.

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