Know the Tracking System Technology

Geofencing is a feature of a software or program that utilizes the “global positioning system (GPS)” or “radio frequency identification (RFID)” component to determine geographic boundaries virtually. The geofencing program allows the administrator to determine the trigger point that conveys a signal (SMS or Email) if the device equipped with GPS or RFID crosses the boundary of the “geofence” fence, both in and out of the specified fence line. The geofencing application feature can involve other services such as Google Earth, to determine the virtual fence line, or be determined in the form of coordinates (longitude and latitude). If you want to learn more about it, you can visit our website.

Geofence knows if the location is inside or outside of its restricted use area. Imagine a university application that can tell you which colleagues and professors are currently on campus. Or applications for malls that reward regular customers.

Geofence is an interface that represents the geographical area that must be monitored. This is created using the Geofence Builder. To maintain minimum power consumption, you need to use geofence with a minimum radius of 100 meters for most situations. If geofences are in the country, you must increase the radius to 500 meters or higher to ensure effective geofences.


At least, there are two technologies behind the Tracking System, GPS, and GSM. This technology consists of a network of satellites orbiting the earth and millions of GPS receivers on land. GPS works by finding the distance from satellites and calculating the only place where all three satellite signals go together.

In the tracking device, GSM networks are also planted as a medium to communicate directly (real-time) with other devices on the earth such as computers, cell phones, or other monitoring devices. GSM or Global System for Mobile is useful for providing information about positions found from satellites for those who want to know where the GPS device is located.

GSM is the most popular network infrastructure in the world. With the number of users currently 3 billion people around the world and the level of spreading evenly in the region of the earth, make GSM a leading choice in providing digital signals for all forms of communication.

So, simply, there are two parts that are integrated for the needs of this tracking system. The GPS system is to collect accurate location information from satellites, then the second part is GSM to send location information so that it can be tracked from another place. Location information in the form of coordinates is then translated into position display on a digital map.

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With the Real-Time GPS Tracking System, you can sit on a PC or laptop computer, log in to an installed system, or a web-based system to monitor the movement, direction, and speed of each vehicle that has a GPS Tracking System. In addition, with hardware and program updates that are being developed at this time, you can also take advantage of various features such as turning off the engine, danger alarms, speed alarms, fuel sensors, passenger sensors, audio communications, as well as historical data, reports, and analysis.

Apart from the combination of popular GPS and GSM, there are actually other technologies used in the Tracking System. Call it Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). Each technology has a different character and work methods according to the specifications and objectives needed.

Geofencing is a system that can analyze and track the position of vehicles automatically and give reports whenever and wherever the vehicle exits or enters geofence areas that have previously been determined by users of this GPS system. The geofence area is a virtual rectangular area that limits certain locations, such as office locations, warehouses, customer locations, and so on. The system can also send alerts in the form of SMS to the owner of the vehicle exits or enters a certain geofence area. Geofencing is also one of the features available on GPS. The following are some other features of the GPS:

Real-Time Monitoring

The GPS system users will be able to monitor their vehicles in real-time at that time, either automatically via the server or by request via SMS. The period of sending data by a device on a vehicle can be arranged by the user as needed. In addition, the user can ask the vehicle to report its position at any time when requested.

History Replay

GPS system users will be able to see and analyze the position and route that the vehicle has passed in the past. By using the application provided, users of this GPS system can also replay the route through which the vehicle can be analyzed further.

Over The Air (OTA) Configuration

Setting / managing GPS tracking devices so that they can be easily changed by users through client and web applications, such as setting data sending periods, speed limits, emergency telephone numbers, and geofence information. The server will send changes to the command settings to the tracking device via SMS or GPRS.

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Auto Response System

Users of this GPS system can request information about the location of their vehicle at any time by simply sending an SMS to the System which will then be immediately replied with an SMS containing information about the location of the vehicle requested. To provide the data, if needed, the server will send a request to the intended tracking device.

Mobile geofencing is designed differently. Brands that have the primary purpose of delivering this set are specifically messages. Thus, it is the role of band consultants (internet marketing consultants) to offer voice brands to convey their messages on a universal platform called the internet. This mobile geofencing aspect is very important because the internet is a giant information stack that continues to grow at a very millisecond.

Geofencing isn’t restricted just to cell phones. Geofencing should be possible similarly as viable, or here and there more successfully, by means of work area and tablets. For example, there will not be sufficient scale to complete a versatile geofencing effort as individuals aren’t on their telephones sufficiently long inside the area of geofence Another circumstance where portable geofencing isn’t perfect is the point at which a pursuit begins on work areas (auto shopping rings a bell), with a retail store adjacent as the following legitimate stop in the buying procedure.

By Tell Me How

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