Businesses, Celebrities and even presidents use Twitter for different purposes, some use it to improve their reputation, some use it to increase brand awareness and sales and some use it to increase traffic to their websites. To successfully accomplish this objectives you require a lot of Twitter Followers and in the event that you are not a well known individual like a VIP or a sportsperson then you will experience serious difficulties getting followers. To automate this tedious process you can use Twitter software like TweetAdder and HummingBird.

These software scan profiles and tweets of users for keywords specified by you and automatically follows them for you. These software do lots of other things like follow users according to geographical locations, unfollow users who haven’t followed you back, automatically send direct messages to new users etc.

In spite of the fact that this is an exceptionally effective approach to discover focused on twitter followers individuals began mishandling these devices which prompted loads of Twitter accounts getting suspended. Still there are heaps of individuals who buy these software and complain later about arriving accounts banned. But there are plenty of people who successfully use these software to build there followers, so it this a problem with the users or is this a problem in the software? The answer is both.


Following a large number of users in a short time, often following and unfollowing users, frequently posting affiliate links with no other useful tweets or tweeting the same message repeatedly are some of the things that can get you banned and most of the automated software has the capability to all those things. This is where quality software comes into play, some of them have built-in safety features like giving you a warning when your following too many users too soon, automatically filtering users who you have previously followed and unfollowed etc. If you use a software that doesn’t have these features you might get your Twitter account banned for good.

Even if you have a good software with built-in safety features how you use it is also important in maintaining a healthy Twitter account. If you use the schedule functionality available with these software and tweet an affiliate link every ten minutes then it could be considered as spam. On the off chance that you indicate excessively followers disconnected keywords to focus on your followers then they may begin blocking you and many people hindering your record is another motivation to get your record suspended.

If you are looking to automatically grow your Twitter followers using software it is important to understand that both the software and how you use the software plays a part in successfully doing that. Don’t be impatient when using the software, try to simulate normal human behavior and you can increase followers while maintaining a healthy account.

By haroonshah561

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