The environment influences the formation of an individual in a direct and obvious way – it is difficult to remain ignorant in the academic environment and maintain elegant manners in the environment of antisocial elements.

Doctors have noticed an curious fact. It turns out that we are all born identical and only the environment can change us. Thus, the logical conclusion is that the environment affects our Success. Have you ever wondered why oligarchs’ and businessmen’s children, usually, are also quite successful and rich people. Yes, there are exceptions to this rule.


However, let’s forget about the “spoiled popular kids”, but take an ordinary family, with a high level of wealth. Perhaps, a father had a small grocery store, and his son managed to make a whole network of stores out of it. Or a mother sewed, and her daughter became a famous fashion designer. Such examples are no exceptions. The best Ukrainian girls often originate from such families.

What was the reason for their success?

You will say that they just were in the right place at the right time. Yes, that’s absolutely true. This is how it works. But in order to be where you need, you should be actively engaged in your favorite business, establish contacts, links, etc. In other words, you should created an appropriate environment for success.

How to start the way to “Olympus”

First of all, imagine the goal that you want to achieve. What will be the top for you? Agree that the concept of success is different for everyone. For some – it is a strong and friendly family, for others – a career growth, and some see happiness in constant travel.

So, you have answered the main question. By the way, the best would be to write the answer dow. In this way, you will emphasize the importance of your intentions. Such a goal will help you to stay strong in a difficult moment and you will achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. Then design a plan. Think about what strong personal qualities you have, and what needs to be improved. Maybe you paint well, but you have not hold a brush for about a year?

Still, do you want to become a famous artist?

In this case, find like-minded people. Enter an art class, or simply get out, go an inspiring place and join the painting process. This will be the first step to your success.

By the way, this pattern is suitable for achieving any goal. You want to start your business, take part in the economic forum and further discussions. Even visiting themed groups and sites on the Internet you will find a lot of useful information that will be useful to you in the future.

Perhaps a couple of Dale Carnegie’s quotes will inspire you:

  • “Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.”
  • “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
  • “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.”

The next rule for a successful person is that such people always value their time very much. Do not allow yourself to spend precious minutes on trivia. Discard the daily TV watching. It is better to go to the cinema once a week or watch an interesting movie at home with family, and then discuss it.

  1. Monitoring your time, you will find out that most of the time you were engaged in nonsense. Be ready for such a revelation. Take it and try to change the situation for the better.
  2. Spend time on the really necessary things. A job that will help to get closer to the goal. A leisure with the family. Attend thematic exhibitions. Do self-education.
  3. So, step by step, you will not notice how your environment changes. You will have new friends and acquaintances. They will be representatives of the field of interests that you need. Thus, you will have new ways to develop your capabilities. And you see how the environment and people surrounding you affect the success.
  4. A new communication network allows you to take a fresh look at life. Perhaps you have experienced some similar feelings as a child, when you came home after a summer camp. You took friendship or love in a new way. How many times have you heard of men who claimed to become successful thanks to their wives?

If so, then you will not deny the importance of a personal development. After all, many of us choose the future profession by imitating someone great. And it does not matter who – father, teacher or a famous singer. We all have some sort of idols.

So who should we blame for our success or failure?

The conclusion is obvious – ourselves. After all, if something does not suit, why not change it? We are not trees and are not tied to one piece of land, we are free. Let the choice be easy and lead you to success.

By Tell Me How

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