Whatsapp has emerged to be the famous chat platform with the highest no of users across the world. Though it claims to be encrypted, that doesn’t mean it is secured from hacking. As we tend to share all kinds of confidential information over Whatsapp, this makes it vulnerable to hacking. Hackers might steal our data for their personal gain, which might affect our reputation.
As Whatsapp is relatively secure than most of the chatting platforms, one can hack it up to a certain extent only, but it’s always wise of us to keep our data safe from the third party. Though hackers may not be able to access of our primary data, they can easily get their hands on some basic information of ours like- the time when we are online, the pattern of our sleep, when we are active online.
One can easily get their hands on your Whatsapp data by using Whatsapp web to register your number on another device. Though Whatsapp doesn’t permit both devices to run the same Whatsapp account, with Whatsapp QR code, any third-party can register your account on Whatsapp Web and track your information anytime. Hackers generally scan the Whatsapp QR code to get into your account, but this process requires physical access of the device of yours. So restrain from connecting to an unknown WiFi connection.
To make sure that your Whatsapp account isn’t active on any device other than yours, you should click the dots at the top right of the Whatsapp window. Then click on ‘Whatsapp Web’ to make sure that no other device’s name pops up in the open sessions tab. Third-party applications can also be used to access your personal information.
The Hacks to prevent the data theft of your Whatsapp are listed below:
- You have to log out from the device that is currently using your account in Whatsapp Web. This will put an end to the access of your information by the hackers. This step is very crucial to the protection of your Whatsapp data and your privacy; you have to perform this step every time Whatsapp Web is used by you.
- To close the current session of Whatsapp in Smartphones, go to Settings->Apps->Whatsapp. Now click on the ‘Clear Data’ tab.
- Don’t ever leave the phone of yours carelessly unattended when you’re not near it or out somewhere. The Hacker may sneak in and try to mess with your device and get access to all of your private data.
- Use App Lock to secure all your apps and put use a good password to secure it from untrustworthy people. There are many powerful App Lock tools available in the Play Store, choose any App Lock of your choice and secure your data from unwanted people.
- Restrain from using any unknown WiFi networks as hackers can gain access to your Whatsapp data by IP address spoofing.
- If you suspect that your account is hacked, mail to support@Whatsapp.com immediately and deactivate the account of yours. However, if you don’t use your account for straight thirty days the account of yours will be automatically deactivated.
- You can also enable Two Step Verification from Whatsapp settings. This ensures an extra level of safety.
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