What is Terminal Emulator and What it is Used For?

What is Terminal Emulator and What it is Used For?

Terminal Emulation is the capacity to make one PC(computer terminal) look like usually another older type of terminal so that the programs that are associated with another terminal type can be accessed by the user using a graphic or command one interface. In the mainframe operating systems Terminal Emulation provide users with the ability to access the legacy programs.


Basically, other mainframes and microcomputers are accessed through this software application named Terminal Emulator that is the alternative to computer terminals that used to come with external devices such as keyboards and monitors. Telnet and SSH are the protocols that made this wireless software-based transmission practical.

Terminal Emulation requires the installation of a program into a local area network(LAN) or an office PC to perform the process.

Different terminals require a different kind of terminal emulation such as the IBM 3270 display terminal, the AS/400 5250 display terminal, or DEC’s VT100 terminal. You can get a discounted 3270 terminal emulators at Turbosoft.

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Why would you need it?

We need terminal emulators in this new era because we don’t have a better alternative yet. The shell interactivity can’t be better with anything else yet and in Unix based os’s shell interactivity is a vital part of it.

You should keep in mind that if you are windows or mac user you’ll probably never need to open the dos prompt that’s the reason terminal emulation is required in most Unix based operating systems.

Your mouse can be programmed for the stuff you have to do again and again but with shell, this process can be carried out in a very impressive manner and if you need a shell, you’ll probably have to use terminal emulation.

Terminal emulators communicate to the system it is running and also to the other computers. It’s an important tool for software developers because the command line interface brings them nearer to the underlying system software. System administrators can’t carry out many processes without the Terminal emulators.

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Things you need to know

The SSH(secure shell) protocol will allow you to set up a terminal connection between more than one computer. The communication is encrypted making the connection secure and the information that is being transferred safely. Telnet protocol establishes an unprotected connection so it should only be used when the SSH protocol is not available. Amongst the different ways, terminator emulator provides for file transfer process are sttp and rsync.

Terminal emulator built-in console is also available on Windows OS named Command Prompt. When you run it, an old fashioned MS-DOS machine type of window will pop up. The ssh command can be used in Mac OS as well for the purpose to connect to other computers. In Mac, the terminal emulator can be found in the utility folder with the name ‘Terminal’.

Surprisingly, we haven’t found any better alternatives to terminal emulation yet and that’s the reason this old-fashioned process still plays a vital role in new age software.

By Tell Me How

It is a technology blog and admin has excellent experience in programming from 5+ year. You can contact us at ceo.tellmehow@gmail.com

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